This New Years Get Consistent with Your Priorities:
Empowerment Over Your Health
and the
Health of Your Loved Ones
Kaizen, I approve of and support your work for the release of archive videos from the 2013 Health Workshop in Seattle. This is a good initiative, which will enable many people the opportunity to explore the various aspects of Systema.
Konstantin Komarov
PhD Combat Psychology
Lead Systema Instructor
This is a minimally edited video from the 2013 Konstantin Komarov Workshop focused on Systema Health practices. This workshop offers detailed drill progressions, principle theory, plus explanation of relevant anatomy and physiology. The Systema Health practices covered are at the core of daily exercises for developing a healthy body and calm psyche.
- Acute injury
- Unexpected illness
- Chronic disease
- Tension & High blood pressure
- Body aches & Joint pains
- Restricted range of motion
- Poor sleep patterns
- Weakened immune system
- Anxiety & fatigue
Your Instructor
Major Konstantin Komarov, Ret, has a PhD in Combat Psychology, and is a commander, trainer, and educator to military professionals, a highly experienced bodyguard, a mentor to troubled youth, and a trainer to numerous Systema practitioners around the world.
Konstantin is one of the most knowledgeable and thorough instructors of our time.
Course Curriculum
StartHEALTH WORKSHOP INTRO: Here Konstantin sets the mindset and importance of this training. (16:30)
StartMASSAGING MUSCLES INTRO: Understand what your goals are and why you are doing the massage. (15:39)
StartWALKING MASSAGE BASICS: This is the basic foundation for the Systema massage work. (36:57)
StartLEG MASSAGE: Consistent walking massage on the legs can help change everything. (23:05)
StartCHRONIC PAIN: Konstantin gives his thoughts on structural causes of pain and an approach for recovery. (11:31)
StartTENSION IN SHOULDERS AND ARMS: This simple work can improve circulation and open up space in the arms giving relief to many common problems. (8:53)
PreviewALLEN'S STORY: Don't miss this talk! I draw strength from Allen's words and example often. (74:58)
StartRECOVERING BASELINE: Learn a simple solo drill for developing sensitivity and awareness to build an understanding of what it truly means to recover fully. (9:25)
StartWALKING MASSAGE INTERMEDIATE: It's time to start going deeper and being more precise to clean out the aches and pain in your body. (29:54)
StartCALMING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: Let go of everything and become present in your body. (12:07)
Frequently Asked Questions
I always enjoyed and benefited from attending Kaizen Taki’s workshops and guest Instructor seminars. The only complaint that I ever had, was that by the middle of the first day I was on information overload from all the detail and insights. I am SO happy that Kaizen is releasing the workshop and seminar archival films that he has collected over the years.
Brian King
Certified Systema Instructor
Since 2002
As an original participant of Konstantin's course I am thrilled that it was captured on film. The depth of the work covered could never be fully absorbed in a single weekend, so the release of this material provides a fantastic guide to aid a life-long study.
His teachings fundamentally shifted my understanding of healing, from something that is done to me, to something I am also greatly empowered to do myself.
Aven Johnson
Personal Trainer
Equinox - Coach
I attended the original workshop and was blown away by the depth and breadth of the content. Konstantin Komarov is an incredible teacher, and it's great to see this released as a video course everyone can benefit from.
Matt Lowes
Certified Systema Instructor
Since 2011
Get started now!
This course is being released in cooperation with and directly supports Konstantin Komarov.
Kaizen and Konstantin thank you for your support.
All content in Systema NW Archive and Movement Daily is intended for general information purposes only, and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.